Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Quasilocal holography in quantum gravity in 3 dimensions

Tuesday, Nov 5

Aldo Riello, Perimeter Institute

Title: Quasilocal holography in Quantum Gravity in 3 Dimensions
PDF of the talk (13M)
Audio+Slides of the talk (220M)
SRT (Subtitles) of the talk (60K)

By Jorge Pullin

Holography in the context of gravitational physics refers to describing a region of space-time through a theory on its boundary. The idea arises in several scenarios, in particular in string theory in the so called AdS/CFT correspondence.

In this talk the concept of holography was first studied in three dimensions. General relativity simplifies considerably in three dimensions since the Einstein equations in empty space imply that space-times are all flat. This allows to make considerable progress and in fact there exists a quantum theory of gravity in three dimensions, it is known as the Regge-Ponzano model. In the talk the relation of this model with degrees of freedom on the boundary of space-time were discussed. Both the case with and without a cosmological constant were considered. Many parallels with other results in the literature were found. The relation of the dynamics in the interior with that on the boundary and its corresponding states was outlined. Connections with other boundary treatments that were discussed in International Loop Seminars recently by Dittrich and Bonzom and by Wieland were also presented.

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