Title: Bianchi I LQC, Kasner transitions and inflation
PDF of the talk (800k) Audio [.wav 30MB] Audio [.aif 3MB]
PDF of the talk (800k) Audio [.wav 30MB] Audio [.aif 3MB]
by Edward Wilson-Ewing
The Bianchi space-times are a generalization of the simplest
Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmological models. While the FLRW space-times are assumed to be
homogeneous (there are no preferred points in the space-time) and isotropic
(there is no preferred direction), in the Bianchi models the isotropy
requirement is removed. One of the main
consequences of this generalization is that in a Bianchi cosmology, the
space-time is allowed to expand along the three spatial axes at different
rates. In other words, while there is
only one Hubble rate in FLRW space-times, there are three Hubble rates in
Bianchi cosmologies, one for each of the three spatial dimensions.
For example, the simplest Bianchi model is the Bianchi I
space-time whose metric is given by
ds2 = - dt2 + a1(t)2
(dx1)2 + a2(t)2
(dx2)2 + a3(t)2
where the ai(t) are the three scale factors. This is in contrast to the flat FLRW model
where there is only one scale factor.
It is possible to determine the exact form of the scale
factors by solving the Einstein equations.
In a vacuum, or with a massless scalar field, it turns out that the ith
scale factor is simply given by the time elevated to the power ki: ai(t)
= tki, where these ki are constant numbers and are called
the Kasner exponents. There are some
relations between the Kasner exponents that must be satisfied, so that once the
matter content has been chosen, one Kasner exponent between -1 and 1 may be
chosen freely, and then the values of the other two Kasner exponents are
determined by this initial choice.
In addition to allowing more degrees of freedom than the
simpler FLRW models, the Bianchi space-times are important due to the central
role they play in the Belinsky-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz (BKL) conjecture. According to the BKL conjecture, as a generic
space-like singularity is approached in general relativity time derivatives
dominate over spatial derivatives (with the exception of some small number of
“spikes” which we shall ignore here) and so spatial points decouple from each
other. In essence, as the spatial
derivatives become negligible, the complicated partial differential equations
of general relativity reduce to simpler ordinary differential equations close
to a space-like singularity. Although
this conjecture has not been proven, there is a wealth of numerical studies
that supports it.
If the BKL conjecture is correct, and the ordinary
differential equations can be trusted, then the solution at each point is that
of a homogeneous space-time. Since the
most general homogeneous space-times are given by the Bianchi space-times, it
follows that as a space-like singularity is approached, the geometry at each
point is well approximated by a Bianchi model.
This conjecture is extremely important from the point of view
of quantum gravity, as quantum gravity effects are expected to become important
precisely when the space-time curvature nears the Planck scale. Therefore, we expect quantum gravity effects
to become important near singularities.
What the BKL conjecture is telling us is that understanding quantum
gravity effects in the Bianchi models, which are relatively simple space-times,
can shed significant insight into the problem of singularities in gravitation.
What is more, studies of the BKL dynamics show that for long
periods of time, the geometry at any point is given by the Bianchi I space-time
and during this time the geometry is completely determined by the three Kasner
exponents introduced above in the third paragraph. Now, the Bianchi I solution does not hold at
each point eternally, rather there are occasional transitions between different
Bianchi I solutions called Kasner or Taub transitions. During a Kasner transition, the three Kasner
exponents rapidly change values before becoming constant for another long
period of time. Now, since the Bianchi I
model provides an excellent approximation at each point for long periods of
time, understanding the dynamics of the Bianchi I space-time, especially at
high curvatures when quantum gravity effects cannot be neglected, may help us
understand the behaviour of generic singularities when quantum gravity effects
are included.
In loop quantum cosmology (LQC), for all of the space-times studied
so far including Bianchi I, the big-bang singularity in cosmological
space-times is resolved by quantum geometry effects. The fact that the initial singularity in the
Bianchi I model is resolved in loop quantum cosmology, in conjunction with the
BKL conjecture, gives some hope that all space-like singularities may be
resolved in loop quantum gravity. While
this result is encouraging, there remain open questions regarding the specifics
of the evolution of the Bianchi I space-time in LQC when quantum geometry
effects are important.
One of the main goals of Brajesh Gupt's talk is to address
this precise question. Using the
effective equations, which provide an excellent approximation to the full
quantum dynamics for the FLRW space-times in LQC and are expected to do the
same for the Bianchi models, it is possible to study how the quantum gravity
effects that arise in loop quantum cosmology modify the classical dynamics when
the space-time curvature becomes large and replace the big-bang singularity by
a bounce. In particular, Brajesh Gupt
describes the precise manner of how the Kasner exponents ---which are constant
classically--- evolve deterministically as they go through the quantum bounce. It turns out that there is some sort of a
Kasner transition that occurs around the bounce, the details of which are given
in the talk.
The second part of the talk considers inflation in Bianchi I
loop cosmologies. Inflation is a period
of exponential expansion of the early universe which was initially introduced
in order to resolve the so-called horizon and flatness problems. One of the major results of inflation is that
it generates small fluctuations that are of exactly the form that are observed
in the small temperature variations in the cosmic microwave background
today. For more information about
inflation in loop quantum cosmology, see the previous ILQGS talks by William
Nelson, Ivan Agullo, Gianluca Calcagni and David Sloan, as well as the blog
posts that accompany these presentations.
Although inflation is often considered in the context of
isotropic space-times, it is important to remember that in the presence of
matter fields such as radiation and cold dark matter, anisotropic space-times
will become isotropic at late times.
Therefore, it is not because our universe appears to be isotropic today
that it necessarily was some 13.8 billion years ago. Because of this, it is necessary to
understand how the dynamics of inflation change when anisotropies are present. As mentioned at the beginning of this blog
post, there is considerably more freedom in Bianchi models than in FLRW
space-times, and so the expectations coming from studying inflation in
isotropic cosmologies may be misleading for the more general situation.
There are several interesting issues that are worth
considering in this context, and in this talk the focus is on two questions in
particular. First, is it easier or
harder to obtain the initial conditions necessary for inflation? In other words,
is more or less fine-tuning required in the initial conditions? As it turns out, the presence of anisotropies
actually makes it easier for a sufficient amount of inflation to occur. The second problem is to determine how the
quantum geometry effects from loop quantum cosmology change the results one
would expect based on classical general relativity. The main modification found here has to do
with the relation between the amount of anisotropy present in the space-time
(which can be quantified in a precise manner) and the amount of inflation that
occurs. While there was a monotonic
relation between these two quantities in classical general relativity, this is
no longer the case when loop quantum cosmology effects are taken into account. Instead, there is now a specific amount of
anisotropy which extremizes the amount of inflation that will occur, and there
is a turn around after this point. The
details of these two results are given in the talk.